Monday, February 2, 2009

Luo Zhi Xiang- Cheng Yao

Chorus 1
PartyBoy之道 兄弟为你撑腰
PartyBoy zhi dao xiong di wei ni cheng yao
Boom Yeah Boom Let's get this Party!Crazy!
你在爱情跌倒 回家让你撒娇
ni zai ai qing die dao hui jia rang ni sa jiao
Boom Yeah Boom Let's get this Party!Baby!
恋爱之道 快找哥儿们讨教
lian ai zhi dao kuai zhao ger men tao jiao
Boom Yeah Boom Let's get this Party!Crazy!

万一你又出包 有我帮你罩
wan yi ni you chu bao you wo bang ni zhao
Boom Yeah Boom Let's be the Party boy!
女人聚会 男人要自我保护
nu ren ju hui nan ren yao zi wo bao hu
暗箭有无数 绝对不能认输
an jian you wu shu jue dui bu neng ren shu
有天大的本事 比不过低腰短裤
you tian ta de ben shi bu bu guo di yao duan ku
要团结 抗外侮 拿出男人硬态度
yao tuan jie kang wai wu na chu nan ren ying tai du

Chorus 2
Wa Oh 看她回眸一笑
Wa Oh kan ta hui mou yi xiao
Wa Oh Yeah
Woo Woo Woo
zen me hui ni you zhong
xin zhong de xiao zhu luan tiao
Where's Buddy
Where's Music
It's Love Party


男人聚会 女宾自重请止步
nan ren ju hui nu bin zi chong qing zhi bu
有顽固 IN态度 豪气千万无数
you wan gu IN tai du hao qi qian wan wu shu
千古风流人物 义结金兰一同闯世俗
qian gu feng liu ren wu yi jie jin lan yi tong chuang shi su
英雄关 美人哭 兄弟情谊不能吐
ying xiong guan mei ren ku xiong di qing yi bu neng tu


PartyBoy劲道 兄弟一起发飙
PartyBoy jingdao xiong di yi qi fa biao
Boom Yeah Boom Let's get this Party!Crazy!
义气就是爆料 我们肝胆相照
yi qi jiu shi bao liao wo men gan dan xiang zhao
Boom Yeah Boom Let's get this Party!Baby!
胡闹瞎搞 跟哥们一起闹
hu nao xia gao gen ger men yi qi nao
Boom Yeah Boom Let's get this Party!Crazy!
捍卫男人荣耀 麻烦我来罩
han wei nan ren rong yao ma fan wo lai zhao
Boom Yeah Boom Let's be the Party boy!

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